4 Surprising Ways to Worry Less (Backed by Science)


  1.  Learn Acceptance-based Mindfulness Meditation

It seems that just allowing worried thoughts to be there – observing them calmly, rather than reacting to them can actually reduce their frequency.

  1.  Practice Accepting Uncertainty

Wanting certainty is a natural human need but it’s one that isn’t possible to fulfill. And worrying doesn’t help anyway. If you catch yourself wanting certainty, practice trying to let go of that need. Instead bring your attention to the present moment and remind yourself you are safe in this moment and nothing bad is happening to you right now.

  1.  Let Go Of Perfectionism

Perfectionistic people want to control everything, so part of letting go of perfectionism is accepting and understanding how much of life’s outcomes are not in your control. Practice allowing yourself to stop worrying when you don’t feel like worrying anymore or when you seem to be stuck in a mental loop. Allow yourself to make mistakes and imperfect decisions. Keep telling yourself that you are only human and don’t have to get everything right.

  1.  Externalize The Worry

When worries are abstract, toxic thoughts lurking in your head, try to externalize them, perhaps thinking of them as a character like "Worried Wendy." Imagine her scurrying around with a worried face, tapping you on the shoulder to point out a new negative possibility. Once you can see "Worried Wendy," you can develop a relationship with her. Perhaps you want to tell her she's not the boss of you and you don't have to listen to her.

Link: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-mindful-self

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