Can you answer these key questions about your partner?


  • WHAT’RE THE FIRST NAMES OF EVERYONE IN THEIR NUCLEAR FAMILY?This means parents, step-parents, siblings, and any step-siblings. Bonus points if you can name all their cousins, aunts, and uncles!

  • WHAT’S THEIR CURRENT DREAM JOB?Like, in an ideal world, what would they be doing every single day? No matter how ridiculous it is, you should know this about them (and encourage them to go for it regularly).

  • WHAT WAS THEIR DREAM JOB AS A KID?Everyone had one, and we all still remember what it is. It seems like a silly question but can tell you a lot about your partner.

  • WHAT IS THEIR FAVORITE COLOR?Because if you don’t know this, what’s even the point of dating? You need to know what color toothbrush to pick up for them before your next vacation, don’t you?

  • WHAT ARE THEIR MAJOR FOOD LIKES AND MAJOR FOOD DISLIKES?Come on, you’ve surely been out to eat enough that these should be super easy.

  • WHAT IS THEIR FAVORITE MOVIE?You should’ve watched it by now, right? If you’re not sure about their absolute favorite, you should at least be able to name two or three that they really like/can recite all the dialogue to.

  • WHAT IS THEIR FAVORITE BOOK?If they don’t like to read, what are you even doing with them? Books are the best.

  • WHEN DID THEY HAVE THEIR FIRST KISS?Don’t tell me you aren’t interested in those teenage drama stories!

  • WHAT IS THEIR FAVORITE FLAVOR OF ICE CREAM?Everyone has a single favorite flavor. Bonus points if you know their favorite brand too. You can learn a lot about a person by knowing whether they prefer Ben & Jerry’s or Haagen-Dazs.

  • WHAT IS THEIR ALCOHOLIC DRINK OF CHOICE?Wine? Red or White? Beer? What type? You have to know these things!

  • AND THEIR FAVORITE MIXED DRINK?Unless they don’t like any mixed drinks, but come on!

  • WHAT IS THEIR FAVORITE INSTAGRAM FILTER?For when you post pictures of them, duh! And if you’re not posting pictures of them, that’s a problem.

  • WHO IS THEIR MOST IMPORTANT ROLE-MODEL?If they don’t have one, who’s someone that they really admire and look up to

  • WHAT SPORTS DID THEY PLAY GROWING UP?This one is pretty easy if they are still playing that sport.

  • WHAT IS THEIR ALL-TIME FAVORITE SONG?If they listen to a ton of music, knowing several top favorites is also permissible.

  • WHERE DID THEY GROW UP?If you aren’t both still in your hometown, that is.

  • WHERE DID THEY GO TO HIGH SCHOOL?Yes, those were dark years, but surely you’ve talked about it!

  • DO THEY PREFER CATS OR DOGS?Why? Everyone has some kind of explanation.

  • WHAT PLACES HAVE THEY TRAVELED TO?In the age of Instagram, this is a super easy one.

  • WHAT’S THEIR FAVORITE BOXED CEREAL?Any answer other than “Cinnamon Toast Crunch” is wrong, just for the record.

  • WHAT IS THEIR FAVORITE SOCIAL MEDIA SITE?If they say Twitter, run for the hills (just kidding).

  • WHAT’S THEIR FAVORITE CLOTHING BRAND?If they don’t have one, what kind of things do they typically like to wear?

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