Are Summer Mondays Becoming The New Summer Fridays?

There are some lucky folks out there who work in offices that give their employees off, or at least let them leave early, on Fridays, but while nobody would begrudge a day off, for some people the idea of a summer Monday sounds even better.

Turns out, there are a lot of benefits to taking off the Monday after a weekend instead of a Friday. Of course, you’ll still have the same three days out of the office, but since so many people take Fridays off, travel costs tend to be more expensive. For example, Noah Potvin, a Pittsburgh-based assistant professor of music, tells Moneyish, he and his friends saved $200 per flight, and $100 per person on an AirBNB by leaving Monday, instead of arriving Friday.

What’s more, since more people leave Fridays, staying until Monday can result in less crowded airports and restaurants, making a trip a more memorable experience. Plus, some hotels even offer upgrades to those who stay Sunday night, or cheaper rates if they stay Saturday through Monday, and even free meals for booking off peak.

Not working Monday can also be good for your mental health, since a recent poll suggests 76% of people get bad cases of the “Sunday Blues,” which probably wouldn’t exist if there was no work on Monday. 

Source: Moneyish

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