Magical Things That Happen When You’re in the Right Relationship

There are a variety of magical things that take place when you find yourself in the right relationship. With that in mind, Thought Catalog has compiled a list of eight of those things. Here they are:

  1. It feels effortless. As in, being together feels like a natural thing.
  2. You feel closer after you argue. Instead of wanting to pull away from each other after a fight, you’ll want to be better for each other.
  3. You regain confidence in every area of your life. In every way, you are thriving more than you were before.
  4. Comfort becomes even more appealing than passion. Comfort, or feeling like you could spend every day alongside each other happily, is invaluable. 
  5. You heal childhood wounds. When you feel genuinely safe and loved, you start working through your deepest-seated issues.
  6. You begin to trust the timing of your life. The right relationship often serves as an important reminder that you were on the right path all along.
  7. You find your joy again. The right relationship will make you feel the way you did when you were young and openhearted.
  8. You feel completely different, yet more yourself, than ever. You shouldn’t have to change for love, but love should change you naturally.

8 Borderline Magical Things That Happen When You’re In The Right Relationship | Thought Catalog

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