Your Dreams About Cheating Are No Reason To Panic


Dreams often feel incredibly, well, real. So when you have a dream about blatantly cheating on your S.O. But rest assured, you’re not the only one who’s done this. Nearly 60 percent of women have had a dream about cheating on their partner, according to a new study of nearly 1,000 people by bedding company Leesa.

Dreams about a past partner can be triggered by anything from running into them to spotting something they posted on Instagram, to going to a bar you used to frequent together.

The fact that you dream-cheated with an ex is likely just the result of your slumbering brain returning to a familiar place—rather than you actually wanting to get back together with him or her.

If you happened to dream about a love affair with that hottie on Bachelor in Paradise—it’s more because you saw them and noted their hotness, rather than actually wanting to cheat on your S.O.

So, if you have a random dream about cheating on your partner, don’t read too much into it. But, if you find that you’re having nightly dreams about stepping out on your partner, maybe it’s time to take a beat and think about whether there’s room for improvement in some part of your relationship.

Again, it could be nothing, or it could be your brain trying to clue you in to something.


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