Who Should Be the Next Superman, Now That Henry Cavill's Out?

Now that Henry Cavill will reportedly no longer portray Superman onscreen, The Ringer has several ideas for who should replace them. Here are the website's suggestions:

  • Tyler Hoechlin. Tyler Hoechlin is the only obvious choice to be the next Superman. Why? Because he’s done it before. Hoechlin’s take on the Big Blue Boy Scout in the second season of Supergirl was like a breath of fresh air. His Superman is the perfect blend of Christopher Reeve and Brandon Routh.
  • Wes Bentley. Looks-wise, he’s got it all—the piercing eyes, the dark hair, the ability to grow exceptional facial hair for maximum CGI over-budgeting. But he’s also got this vibe, in all of his projects, that implies he’s seen some things.
  • Armie Hammer. I want Armie Hammer to play Superman because he looks like Superman. Also, he’s a good actor who could probably lean into the extreme weirdness of the Superman story. Let’s not forget this guy is a vigilante literally from outer space who voluntarily chooses to work in the media industry. He’s not really all that wholesome on paper, and Armie could dial into the strange.
  • Michael B. Jordan. Michael B. Jordan would be a great Superman—he’s endearing but also mysterious, can play green, looks good in glasses, and is already in superhero shape.
  • CGI Christopher Reeve. The pertinent problem with Superman is that, for all intents and purposes, Superman is Christopher Reeve. Even 40 years later, it’s hard to watch Superman on screen and not think “Eh, he’s OK, but he’s no Christopher Reeve.” BUT WAIT! This is a new era in blockbuster moviemaking. This is an era when the Star Wars franchise can reanimate Grand Moff Tarkin and Princess Leia with a wave of the CGI wand. Forget recasting—let’s retro-cast. Bring back Christopher Reeve—a fully CGI version—as the Man of Steel. He was always the best man for the part.
  • Steven Strait. You probably don’t know who Strait is unless you’ve watched The Expanse, but he’s great in the show, serving as its conflicted moral center. As James Holden, Strait becomes a mythologized hero for leading a space #Resistance, burdened with the weight of saving humanity on his shoulders, much like our beloved Man of Steel. He’s also tall, fairly jacked, and can easily flip a switch to Bespectacled Clark Kent.


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