40 Clever Friendsgiving Puns You'll Love Cranberry Much

There's nothing like a good, cheesy pun to liven up a Thanksgiving dinner with friends, not family. In fact, Elite Daily has compiled a list of 40 really cheesy Friendsgiving puns. Seventeen are listed below; click on the link for all 40:

  1. "Let's get basted."
  2. "I get pie with a little help from my friends."
  3. "Talk about squash goals."
  4. "Let's give 'em pumpkin to talk about."
  5. "You are the pumpkin of my pie."
  6. "Stop, drop and pass the rolls."
  7. "You know we're all about that baste."
  8. "I know it's cheesy, but my friends are really grate."
  9. "Talk turkey to me."
  10. "Thanks a brunch for spending Thanksgiving with me."
  11. "I love you all cranberry much."
  12. "'Tis the seasoning to spend thyme with your friends."
  13. "My friends bake me berry happy."
  14. "All you knead is love."
  15. "Having a gourd time with my friends."
  16. "My friends always know how to make everything butter."
  17. "Stuffin' compares to my squad

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