Relationship Advice From People in Long-Lasting Relationships

BuzzFeed recently asked its readers to share the best advice they have for couples who want to be in a healthy and long-lasting relationship. Here are 10 of their best tips (check out the full list at the link):

  1. When my boyfriend and I are in a petty argument, one of us taps the other on the nose. The nose-tapped receiver has to shimmy immediately, no matter how mad they are. It eases the tension and we realize that what we’re bickering about doesn’t really matter. 
  2. Married 16 happy years. People still think we are newlyweds. The keys are communication, honesty, and making time for each other. Every week we still have a date. That could mean a movie marathon on our bed with snacks, a quick coffee and chat, or laughing over cat videos with pizza at the laundromat. 
  3. Flirt with each other as much as you can. I'll hit on my fiancé or he'll buy me flowers and it's truly adorable. 
  4. My husband and I have been together almost 20 years and married for 14 1/2. Communication is EVERYTHING!!! Talk to each other about anything and everything. The good and the bad. And be willing to listen when they talk as well. 
  5. Don't compare your relationship with others because you never know what they have been through or if they are happy. For all you know someone could be looking at your relationship with envy because they don't see your whole picture either. 
  6. Recognize that relationships are almost never always 50/50. Sometimes you’re going to carry 70 percent of the burden, whether it’s household duties, taking care of kids or pets, or just being the one giving more into the relationship, and sometimes when you need it, your partner will (or should!) carry the larger part of the burden. It’s not about being “fair,” it’s about being what the other person needs at that moment. 
  7. Remember that love is a feeling AND a choice. Choose to love them every day. Even when they make it hard. Choose them every day. The second you stop choosing them is the second you give up on your love. 
  8. Don’t spend every waking second together. We each have our own hobby and keep it to ourselves. It gives us each time to do things that we love without each other. 
  9. Finding someone you want to spend the rest of your life with is a huge deal so maybe you should be treating them better than you treat everyone else. My husband and I have both had that attitude since day one and we're about to hit our 12 years soon.
  10. Apologize. Even if the only truthful apology that you can manage is, “I’m sorry—I didn’t mean for that to have hurt you.” It goes an incredibly long way in reminding your partner that even though they may be upset with this one thing, you love them and you’d never purposely try to upset them. 

21 Bits Of Relationship Advice From People In Long-Lasting Relationships

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