Woman Gets Car Towed After "No Parking" Sign Installed Next to It Overnight

On January 2 at 8:30 p.m., New Yorker Nicole Laveglia parked her car in her usual spot on the street in Queens. At 9 a.m. the next morning, a neighbor knocked on her door to inform Laveglia that her car was in the process of being towed. So what happened? City Department of Transportation officials installed a "No Standing Anytime" sign--which, in New York City, means you can't stop or park a car in a given spot for an extended amount of time--next to her car overnight. To add insult to injury, the sign was removed a few days later--with workers admitting it was never supposed to have been there in the first place. Spectrum News reports that Laveglia is now fighting to get her $185 towing fee and $115 parking ticket refunded or rescinded.

New York Woman Gets Car Towed After 'No Parking' Sign Is Installed Next to It Overnight

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