Adorable Little Girl Got The Best 1st Birthday Gift Ever

For a baby's first birthday, they're likely to receive a lot of gifts! Toys, clothes, and books are typically what you get for your first birthday.

But this little girl got the greatest gift you could imagine... She got a second chance at life in the form of a brand new heart!

When she was just a couple of months old Rebecca Brown was diagnosed with anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery, or ALCAPA, a heart defect where the arteries originate in the wrong place. "I was dumbfounded," her mother told reporters from

The condition can lead to heart failure, and it tragically meant that Rebecca would have to wait for a new heart. Fortunately, she didn't have to wait long. Rebecca received a new heart just in time to celebrate the start of a new year, and hopefully this one will have a lot less time spent stuck in the hospital!

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