Here's The List Of The Top Baby Names Of 2020

A lot of new babies were born in 2020, and BabyCenter just come out with their list of the Top Baby Names for 2020.

Top 10 Girl Names For 2020

  1. Sophia (This has been #1 since 2010)
  2. Olivia
  3. Riley
  4. Emma
  5. Ava
  6. Isabella
  7. Aria
  8. Aaliyah
  9. Amelia
  10. Mia

Top 10 Boys Names for 2020

  1. Liam (At the top for the second year in a row)
  2. Noah
  3. Jackson
  4. Aiden
  5. Elijah
  6. Grayson
  7. Lucas
  8. Oliver
  9. Caden
  10. Mateo 

Source: BabyCenter

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