Tips to help you make it to the new year without the extra pounds!

It’s beginning to look a lot like the holiday season and one tradition we won’t be missing this year is filling our plates with festive foods. Since a lot of these treats and dishes only make an appearance this time of year, we tend to over-indulge, which is one reason why holiday weight gain is so common. But if you’re trying to maintain or lose, you can still enjoy the dinners and deserts you love and stay on track with your goals and these tips can help you make it to the new year without the extra pounds.

  • Get enough sleep- According to the Mayo Clinic, research has found a link between weight gain and lack of sleep. So make sure you’re getting those seven to eight hours of ZZZ’s a night.
  • Reduce stress- Easier said than done, especially during the holidays during a pandemic, right? But studies show a link between increased stress, cortisol, and belly fat, so try to try to find ways to relax and focus on the things that bring you joy.
  • Show some favoritism- If you don't feel like eating everything on the holiday dinner menu, don’t! Leave the stuff you don’t like off your plate and fill it with more of the foods you love.
  • Make time for movement- Squeeze in some time for exercise, besides just walking to the kitchen for another Christmas cookie.
  • Don't skip meals- Skipping breakfast to save room for a big holiday feast later just makes you more likely to overeat.
  • Go easy on the booze- We’re all for celebrating at the holidays, which often includes cocktails and wine, but limiting those libations will help keep the calories down. Plus, drinking less will help you sleep more soundly and do less mindless munching.
  • Gather around the table- It’s easier to eat mindfully when you’re actually sitting down at the table, rather than standing in front of the TV or scrolling through your phone. Being mindful lets you focus on what you’re eating and pay attention to your fullness cues, so you’ll stop when you’re actually full instead of overeating.

Source: Eat This, Not That

Photo: Getty Images

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