A study suggests stress may not always be a bad thing. Well, that’s good because according to a new survey, a lot of folks are feeling a lot of stress.
A new Value Penguin survey finds:
- 78% of Americans say they feel stress at least once a week, with 15% saying they’re stressed every day.
- Monday mornings are apparently the most stressful, with 19% saying their stress peaks on the first day of the work week.
- In fact, Monday is the only day to have double digit stress, with the second-most stressful day being Sunday, with only 7% of people thinking that.
- In addition, 22% feel the most stress in the mornings.
- Not surprising, 44% of people describe the pandemic as the most stressful time in their life.
- As for what’s causing the most stress, Money is the major issue for 22% of people.
- Other top causes of stress include:
- Work
- Physical health
- Mental health
- Family
- And then there are the people who are causing folks stress, with 14% of those surveyed saying their spouse/partner is their main source of stress, followed by:
- My boss (10%)
- My parents (9%)
- My kids (7%)
- Other family member (5%)
Source: Value Penguin
Photo: Getty Images