5 Behaviors That'll Kill Your Relationship (Unless You Stop Now)

YourTango.com's certified life coach David Shroeder says there five behaviors that will certainly kill a relationship, but identifying them and stopping the behavior could save you some heartache.

The five relationship-killing behaviors are:

  • #1 Having expectations of how you should be loved - you are suggesting the person should know you the way you do. Shroeder calls that "unrealistic and challenging".
  • #2 Letting your past experiences shape your ongoing beliefs about love - you must both be willing to accept the other's point of view and, from there, work at finding common ground.
  • #3 Allowing your need to be right becomes more important than your need to be happy - Shroeder says "What makes relationships work is when both partners align with the relationship, not themselves."
  • #4  Sweeping important issues under the rug - Learn to accept and deal with conflict.
  • #5 Putting your children's needs first - According to Shroeder "The importance of being aware of the potential of favoring your child in the relationship over your partner and his or her child is essential" in blended families. He's not suggesting ignoring the needs or concerns of your children; he says that couples need to reach common ground when parenting step-children in a way that makes both partners and children feel valued.

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