Something We All Need To Hear Right Now - Alan Jackson's, "Amazing Grace"

This is not a political post. It's not about finger-pointing, so please don't turn this into something negative and nasty.

I just sit here thinking about the events that happened in Uvalde, TX the past 24+ hours. I know many of you have so many emotions running through you too, as you think about your own kids and family. My heart breaks for the families and all those that were touched by this tragedy. Those 19 little faces that were simply looking forward to wrapping up their school year and getting ready to begin their summer break in a couple of days. I take a moment to think about the two adults that were killed and the 17 other people that had non-life threatening injuries. I think about those brave guardian-angel law enforcement people that ran INTO danger. Take a moment...hug those that are close to you really tight...make that phone call to someone you haven't spoken with in a while...send a text to that person you've been meaning to have coffee with. Take a moment to share love, peace and joy and don't let the hate win.

Enjoy this Alan Jackson video that was filmed at the historic Ryman Auditorium in Nashville a few years ago. Music heals.

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