Here's How You Can Stay Calm During Times Of Big Change

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It feels like we’ve been constantly going through times of change. How is it possible to stay calm and centered during times of turbulence? Here are some tips...

  • Find calm and steadiness through movement. Yoga is a great way to center yourself and to reconnect with a sense of calm. Making it part of your daily routine will help center yourself.
  • Turn your attention inwards to avoid external noise. A mix of meditation, breath-work, yoga and Pilates will help you stimulate your nervous system and give you a sense of calm.
  • A shift in mindset will help build resilience. We really can shape our thoughts and responses. You can switch your mindset to help navigate change and uncertainty better. The first step is to accept that change is happening.
  • Thoughts are not facts. Your mind is likely thinking of every worst case scenario that can happen. Remember, just because these are your thoughts, they’re not facts. You can rewire your brain.


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