How To Find Workout Motivation As Days Get Shorter

Even if you got into great workout habits over the summer, it can be hard to keep that momentum up as the days get shorter and the temperature drops. It can be tough to push yourself to exercise when you get home and it’s already dark and chilly. Serotonin decreases with less sunlight and melatonin increases from darker evenings, which can leave us feeling groggy, tired and uninspired, but the thing is, getting some exercise can actually help with this.

Personal trainer Rhianna Crisp explains, “As the chilly, sometimes gloomy autumn days start to creep in, it’s common for us to lose our motivation as quickly as we’re losing sunlight.” She points out that when it comes to health and fitness, we can’t always rely on motivation, but drive, discipline and habits can help. And these simple habits may reignite your drive and help you regain your motivation.

  • Make a plan - According to fitness expert Leon Bolmeer, having a consistent fitness routine you enjoy will help “create both a boost in energy and optimism, as well as a willingness to want to exercise.” He advises planning your workouts, then planning your social life around that so you’re more likely to stick to it.
  • Try team sports - They provide some social interaction and competition, which helps motivate some people.
  • Do what you actually enjoy - It’s hard to stay motivated if you don’t really like the exercise you’re doing. The best workouts are the ones that involve a mix of activities you enjoy, so you’ll keep coming back day after day.
  • Give group runs a go - Joining a running club or signing up for a local event could inspire you to stay active and you’ll get to enjoy the benefits of exercising outdoors as well.
  • Set a performance goal and write it down - This helps you hold yourself accountable and it can be anything, big or small, that you want to achieve by Christmas.
  • Prepare everything in advance - Make things as easy on yourself as possible by prepping it all the night before. Plan your workout, get your gear and workout clothes out, prep the playlist or podcast you want to listen to and then you don’t have to decide anything in the morning, you can just focus on getting up and out the door to exercise.

Source: Independent

Photo: Getty Images

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