Psychological Tips To Boost Productivity

We put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be productive and when we don’t manage to get things done, it’s frustrating. The thing is, productivity is more than just finishing a to-do list, it’s a mindset. The more we’re mentally prepared for productivity, the more we accomplish and the less stress we feel.

These psychological tips can help change your mindset and boost your productivity:

  • Start by organizing your thoughts - Unorganized minds and unorganized environments go hand-in-hand, so take care of your “mental disorganization” first. Research shows that mental disorganization tends to create more stress, which doesn’t help you get more done. So taking time to organize your thoughts and tasks before you tackle the to-do list can help.
  • Start with something easy - Checking a few things off your list can give you a sense of accomplishment and motivate you to keep going, so tackling easy tasks first can help with that.
  • Break large tasks into smaller ones - When you feel overwhelmed by the work ahead, the trick, according to research, is to split the project up into small, manageable steps you can do one by one. Finishing them will motivate you to continue and motivation is a key psychological factor in staying productive.
  • Create boundaries for yourself and others - Distraction is a huge problem when it comes to productivity. Research reveals that it takes the average worker 23 minutes to regain focus after being distracted, so minimizing distractions helps you get more done. And that requires setting boundaries, like turning off notifications and letting coworkers know when you’re unavailable.
  • Achieve things for yourself - Make sure you’re taking time to do things you love, not just to give yourself a breather from work, but to help you get more done. Studies have shown that workers are more productive when they’re happy, so prioritizing your own interests and hobbies can help you stay motivated and focused to get more accomplished.

Source: CNet

Photo: Getty Images

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