What to do on Fridays to Make Mondays Easier

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Feeling dread at the end of the weekend about the coming week is so common there’s even a name for it, the “Sunday scaries.” It’s basically the opposite of the relief we feel on Friday when the whole weekend is ahead of us. But what if you could use Friday to set you up for a less-scary Monday? Reddit has some ideas.

A popular thread has people sharing what they do on Friday to ensure a good weekend and an easy return to the work week on Monday. These are some of the best responses.

  • “I do dishes at night so ‘future me’ can wake up to a clean kitchen in the morning. I make my bed in the morning because ‘future me’ really likes getting into a made up bed in a clean room.”
  • “Take my pants off as soon as I get home. I won't need them until Monday.”
  • “I wrap up my workday writing a checklist for Monday and close all browser tabs so I can check out mentally.”
  • “Doing laundry so I can have ‘Friday fresh sheets’”
  • “I go for a jog in the morning but I take a particular route which goes around a really pleasant park. I associate that park with Fridays and it starts my day in a great mood.”
  • “My wife and I do ‘Foray Friday.’ Or, more accurately 4A Friday, which stands for Album Awareness And Appreciation. With streaming music services these days we realized that we never listened to an entire album the way the artist intended. So we decided to sit in the living room or on the deck and do nothing, no screens, no talking, just sit together and enjoy a full album.”
  • “Blast some morning music & drink too much coffee. This way, I know that it is the last day of work till Monday & I can get through this.”
  • “I have what I call ‘Friday Night Feasts.’ I basically find some recipe online that looks good, buy the stuff, and make it. Maybe vacuum or sweep while it's cooking”
  • “I plan my next week on Fridays, that way I'm clear to relax all day on Saturday and Sunday, and know I have a good plan for next week. It saves me from Sunday Scaries. I write it all down, get it all out, and then fully disengage at the end of the day Friday.”

Source: Reddit

Photo: Getty Images

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