Looking for a high-paying job? Start naming babies!

Photo: beckariuz / iStock / Getty Images

Looking for a high-paying job? Start naming babies. Baby namers – yes, that’s a thing – are getting up to $350 an hour for choosing unique baby names for parents who want to give their kids an edge. “There’s wide interest,” says professional baby namer Morgan Timm. “A lot of people are looking for that unique, one-of-a-kind, but still not weird or strange name.” 

“A lot of couples are coming to me because they just can’t agree on a name. They have different styles,” says naming expert Colleen Slagen. Or, “they’re naming a second or third child, they’ve already used favorite names and they’re having a hard time finding a name that matches with the siblings, and that they love as much as the name they picked for their first or second child.”

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Photo: Getty Images

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