Steve & Gina in the Morning

Steve & Gina in the Morning

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Ditch These Weight Loss Myths In 2023

Losing weight is simple in theory, but it’s more confusing because of some conflicting information out there. Thanks to so-called experts, “cleanses” and fad diets, it’s hard to know what will actually work to help lose weight in a healthy way. Obesity specialist Spencer Nadolsky and dietitian Kara Mockler are debunking some of the biggest weight-loss myths we need to stop believing.

  • Weight loss is all about willpower - If you’re only relying on willpower to lose weight, Nadolsky says you’re probably not going to be successful. “Our environments and bodies fight us as we try to lose weight,” he explains, adding that it may take willpower to get started, but to make it long-term, you have to work on your habits as well and it may even take medical intervention.
  • You have to cut carbs to lose weight - This myth is perpetuated by the idea that carbs cause insulin releases in the body and insulin is a fat-storing hormone, according to Nadolsky. But he says you “can absolutely lose weight while eating carbs” despite a release in insulin. Weight loss all comes down to eating fewer calories than you burn.
  • You need to exercise hard to lose weight - People believe that since exercise burns calories, doing more of it would lead to more weight loss, but Nadolsky says it doesn’t work like that because exercise makes up little of our overall daily calorie burn. Expecting it to lead to losing a lot of weight could be a letdown when you’re putting a lot of effort into working out, but you should still exercise for your health. “Don’t stop exercising,” he says. “Change the expectations.”
  • Eating at night prevents weight loss - What matters for weight loss is total daily calorie intake, dietitian Kara Mockler says. It doesn’t matter what time of day you eat the calories, but if late-night snacking puts you into a calorie surplus, that’s when it keeps you from losing weight.
  • Fasting makes you lose more weight - The only way fasting helps you lose weight is by helping you stick to a calorie deficit. “You can spread your total daily calories out however works best for you and still see great results,” Mockler says.
  • Sugar prevents weight loss - While it may not be nutritious or filling, you don’t have to avoid sugar entirely. If your total calories are in check, eating foods with sugar won’t prevent weight loss,” assures Mockler.

Source: Insider

Photo: Getty Images

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