Photo: Getty Images
Tour riders, for the uninitiated, are requests (demands, really) that performers have when they play a show somewhere. It can be anything from a certain brand of bottled water backstage, to a pink limousine to ferry them to the venue - or anything in between. Van Halen famously had a stipulation that they have a bowl of M&M's in the dressing room, but the brown ones had to be removed - a line they put in their rider to ensure that the fine print was actually read by the staff.
Which brings us to Tim McGraw - living country legend, been doing it for thirty years - at this point in his career, you'd expect someone at that level to want things to be just so - and the bigger the star, the bigger the ask. So what does Tim's tour rider look like?
Like Van Halen, Tim likes his M&M's - specifically peanut M&Ms. But not a bowl - Tim eats one pack of peanut M&Ms before a show. Just one. Tim also likes the Mexican Coca-Colas with the real pure sugar cane, in the old-school bottles. And Tim requests tuna fish sandwiches and "Muscle Milk." Not exactly the decadent desires and extravagant asks you'd expect from a mega-star.
Source: Taste Of Country
Photo: Getty Images