Steve & Gina in the Morning

Steve & Gina in the Morning

Steve & Gina are proud to be part of the Kat Country Community. Listen weekdays from 5:30am-10:00am Full Bio


"Snob-Free" Sommelier’s Super Simple Wine Hack

Drinking wine is something a lot of us enjoy, but learning about all the grapes, tasting notes and wine culture can be intimidating. That’s why Warner Boin, who calls herself a “snob-free” sommelier on TikTok, is on a mission to help people become more confident about wine.

Recently, the certified wine expert shared a video about why you shouldn’t put the cork back into the bottle if you have leftover wine. Warner says sticking the cork back into a half-empty bottle exposes the wine to more oxygen, since the cork is porous and there’s more air in the bottle. That can negatively affect the wine, so you want to reduce the amount of oxygen to wine and to do that she recommends a Mason jar.

Warner explains that pouring the wine into a Mason jar or another airtight container seals it, so there’s less oxygen in there than in the rest of the bottle. “I swear by this. It will make your wine still taste fresh even a couple of days after you’ve opened it,” the wine pro says. “Whereas the day after I open a bottle of wine, if I put the cork back in, I can tell the difference.”

  • She also says she puts all leftover wines in the fridge and takes the reds out an hour before drinking them so they can get to room temperature.
  • The wine educator answered a viewer’s question about vacuum-pump wine sealing devices, noting that they’re great and she uses hers all the time. But she prefers the Mason jar method when a bottle is less than half full so the wine is exposed to less air before you drink it.
  • Warner also says you shouldn’t pass on a wine just because it has a screw top. She says it doesn’t mean a wine is cheap and they actually protect wine from oxygen and bacteria better than corks do.

Source: BuzzFeed

Photo: Getty Images

Cracking open a bottle

Photo: Getty Images

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