Steve & Gina in the Morning

Steve & Gina in the Morning

Steve & Gina are proud to be part of the Kat Country Community. Listen weekdays from 5:30am-10:00am Full Bio


Red Flags That Hint A Movie Is Going To Be Bad

Movie objects, illustration

Photo: Getty Images

An AskReddit thread asks, “What’s the first sign that a movie is going to be bad?” More than 15-thousand people have offered their takes and these are some of the top responses:

  • "If there are multiple trailers for a comedy movie, but they use the same joke in all of them."
  • "It's advertised as one of the best movies of the year … and it's late January."
  • "An exposition in which one character explains everything that's going on to another character that should already know what is going on."
  • "The selling points are focused on celebrity names and visual effects."
  • "It’s a remake of something that didn’t suck."
  • "When the trailer already tells you the entire movie."
  • "The title card reads, ‘A Hallmark Original.’"
  • "You can tell the acting is awful even from the trailer."
  • "Characters think they are funny because they speak loudly."
  • "It's a live action remake of a classic Disney animation."
  • "When I wanna get up to get some snacks five minutes into the movie but I don't pause it because I feel like 'I'm probably not missing out on much.'"
  • "If it's a non-modern piece with modern hair and makeup in it."
  • "You can look at the ad and already tell how the story will start and end."
  • "For animated movies, if the trailer really pushes the celebrity voice-cast, shows mainly the gags and action scenes, and has generic, modern pop songs, it's going to be bad."
  • "Family moves in, guess what? Someone got killed in their new home."

Source: Reddit

Photo: Getty Images

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