Steve & Gina in the Morning

Steve & Gina in the Morning

Steve & Gina are proud to be part of the Kat Country Community. Listen weekdays from 5:30am-10:00am Full Bio


Why we should be washing our water bottles every single day!

Man fills up reusable water bottle in the kitchen

Photo: Mystockimages / iStock / Getty Images

Lots of us are using reusable water bottles – and that’s a good thing. But you better make sure you are washing those bottles and lids really well every day. A new study found that the typical reusable water bottle is full of germs. How many germs? More than on toilet seats, pet bowls, and in a dirty kitchen sink. Researchers say an average bottle could be 40,000 times dirtier than a toilet seat, 14 times more germ-filled than a pet bowl, 5 times dirtier than a computer mouse, and have 2 times the bacteria of a kitchen sink.

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Photo: Getty Images

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