Steve & Gina in the Morning

Steve & Gina in the Morning

Steve & Gina are proud to be part of the Kat Country Community. Listen weekdays from 5:30am-10:00am Full Bio


Planning to bring packages on the plane for the holidays! Advice from TSA

Waiting Area In Airport With Luggages Near The Seats, Christmas Tree, Ornaments, Gift Boxes And Blurred Background

Photo: onurdongel / iStock / Getty Images

If you're traveling by plane for Christmas and planning to pack gifts inside your luggage or carry-on, you would be wise toĀ leave them unwrapped. The TSA advises travelers to save the giftwrapping for when you reach your destination, because if the gift happens to set off an alarm going through the security X-ray machine, agents will have to unwrap it.

A TSA spokesperson says, "When there is an alarm that must be resolved, often the only way that a Transportation Security Officer (TSO) has available is to see the item that caused the alarm. If a package is wrapped, then the TSO must unwrap it for inspection."

If wrapping the gift once at your destination is not possible, consider putting the gift in a gift bag.

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Photo: Getty Images

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