Steve & Gina in the Morning

Steve & Gina in the Morning

Steve & Gina are proud to be part of the Kat Country Community. Listen weekdays from 5:30am-10:00am Full Bio


Delivery Driver Tips For Better Service This Year

Concept of receiving or shipping Christmas parcel at home

Photo: ASIFE / iStock / Getty Images

Delivery Driver Tips For Better Service This Year

For many people, you might think the following tips are common sense, but your local delivery driver might want you to be aware of them anyway. With the holidays upon us, Lala Garner, a delivery driver in the Washington, DC area, wants to give you a heads-up on simple things you can do to make sure the package you’re expecting arrives safely. 

  • Leave your porch light on. It’ll save drivers from having to drive around endlessly looking for house numbers because they can’t see them easily at dusk or nightfall. It also helps drivers see if there are porch pirates lurking around that could otherwise be avoided
  • If you live in an apartment, make sure your holiday decorations don’t cover up your apartment number, thereby ensuring the delivery gets to the right unit.
  • Even better, apartment dwellers could also master the art of the delivery note, instructing drivers on where to leave packages (such as the front desk, the office, or a locker) to help reduce the risk of other tenants helping themselves to your goods
  • Be nice. These people are delivering hundreds of packages a day, and one rude-ass person can ruin the day and cause distractions that no one needs. A simple “thank you” can go a long, long way 

Source: WTOP

Photo: Getty Images

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