NASA Is Hiring People To Pretend To Live On Mars For One Year

Photo: Getty Images/Science Photo Libra

NASA is looking to hire four people willing to pretend to live on MARS for a full year.

They posted the job on Friday, and they're accepting applications until September 17th. But they're not just taking anyone. The ideal candidate would be 30 to 55 and have a master's degree in a STEM field, like engineering or math. But they'll also accept applications from people with a bachelor's degree and some relevant experience.

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The four people who get chosen will live in a 1,700-square-foot enclosed space with no windows for a year. 

They'll only eat astronaut food and have limited contact with friends and family online. It's not clear how much it pays, but you can head to NASA's website if you want to apply.

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NASA Perseverance Rover Lands On Mars

Photo: Getty Images North America

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