Dishwasher Drama: 34% of Americans Disagree on Loading! 🧼🍽️

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34% of Americans Have Had an Argument Over… Dishwashers?! 🧼🍽️

It’s election season, but guess what? Tens of millions of Americans are having heated debates over… DISHWASHERS! 🤯

A recent poll of 38,000 Americans asked, “Have you ever disagreed with someone you share a dishwasher with about how it should be loaded or used?” The results are in:

  • 34% said YES! 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️
  • 59% said NO! 🙅‍♂️🙅‍♀️
  • 7% aren’t sure 🤔

When it comes to pots and pans:

  • 7% say they belong on the top rack 🥘⬆️
  • 33% say the bottom rack 🍲⬇️
  • 12% say it doesn’t matter 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️
  • 40% believe they should be washed by hand 🧽🖐️

But wait, there’s more! They didn’t even ask about the most common dishwasher debate: To pre-rinse or not to pre-rinse? That is the question! 🤷‍♂️💦

And what about the silverware? How should forks and spoons be placed inside the dishwasher? Facing Up? Facing Down? Check out what some people said in a recent poll:

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