Photo: Ziga Plahutar / E+ / Getty Images
What not to do in hotel rooms ... 82% of Americans plan to travel out of town this summer, according to a new survey, and that will include a hotel stay for most. If you plan on paying for lodging at one of the country's 91,000 hotels and motels, here are some tips for what you should never do in a hotel room, from
- Don't use the remote control – it's loaded with germs. Either wipe it down with an anti-bacterial wipe or see if there is an app you could use on your phone to control the TV.
- Don't leave valuables around. Most hotel rooms offer a safe. Use it.
- Don't forget to put out the "Do not disturb" sign. You don't want an housekeeping coming in when you're sleeping ... or worse.
- Don't announce your room number out loud. You never know what creep might overhear.
- Don't open the door if someone knocks without looking through the peep hole. And never prop the door open while you go down the hall to the vending or ice machine.
- Don't go near the minibar, unless you want to pay ridiculous prices for drinks and candy.
- Don't forget to look for bedbugs. Seriously, they may be hiding out in the mattress.
- Don't drink the tap water. You have no idea what the quality of the water is.
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