Thanks to the amazing James Webb Telescope -- which is actually orbiting the sun -- astronomers have discovered about 5,000 new planets out there.
To celebrate, the International Astronomical Union is giving people the chance to name 20 of these "new" planets.
While this might sound fun, there are a bunch of rules to follow -- and it sounds like a lot of work.
The IAU is running a contest. They want teams of students, teachers and lovers of astronomy to propose names "worthy of being assigned to a celestial object." You can't just name the planet or star after your child, spouse or pet.
And then, the IAU wants you to put together an "outreach event" that would teach the public about exoplanets and their significance.
Bummer. We're not going to see another "Boaty McBoatface" debacle -- at least with this publicity stunt.
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Photo: Getty Images